Tuesday, March 17, 2009


I wonder why we lie to each other. We always say things like "Don't worry, it's going to be okay", "He'll be back and realise his mistake", "She'll get better", "You'll get that job" Most of the time, it's simply not true. We create a false sense of hope only to have it be shattered at a later time. But we have nothing else to say, do we? Because facing the truth, and even harder, talking about it, has become a dying principle. And I speak more about myself even than other people. What do we hope in? Where do we place our faith? Because bad things won't MAYBE happen, they will happen. If it's one thing I learned with my accident- bad things happen. It's more a matter of when and what than if.

So if we cannot place our hope in the fact that things are going to be okay, then what? Maybe, just maybe, we're looking in the wrong place. I learned something valuable these past two weeks. It doesn't have to be going well with us for us to be happy. We don't have to be doing the job we love, being where we'd like to be and having everything go well to be happy. Most of the time it's the struggle that fulfills us. It's in the darkness that we see the light. It's in the hard times that we need God so much, because we have nothing else to hold onto. When things are simply not okay, God is all there is to grab hold of. And getting closer to God is simply what it's all about in the end. Everything else is just a bonus. Relationships with God is happiness. True happiness. True contentment. We can satisfy every desire of our hearts and still die. Or we can be dying and only then learning to live.

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